Edge Top Road, Dewsbury, WF12 0BH
01924 325300

Contact Us

Please contact us using the contact form below or by using the following details:

Overthorpe CofE Academy

Edge Top Road, Thornhill

Dewsbury, WF12 0BH 

Tel: 01924 325300



Parents' initial point of contact: Mrs J Brining / Miss L Parker

Headteacher: Mr J Mitchell

SEND contact: Mrs S Wood

Chair of Governors: Mrs J Hopwood 


Enhance Academy Trust Contact Details:

CEO: Mr M Randall

Enhance Academy Trust

Unit 7 The Office Campus

Paragon Business Park

Red Hall Court

Wakefield, WF1 2UY


Tel: 01924 971721


Requests for paper copies of letters or policies:

If you require paper copies of any school documents, please ask at the school office and a copy will be provided.

Contact Form

Please email us with any queries. Alternatively, you can complete the form below.
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