Edge Top Road, Dewsbury, WF12 0BH
01924 325300


Recent years have seen us, on occasion, moving to remote learning from home during school partial closures.  In cases of remote learning, we will use Class Dojo to set our school work. 

Children from Reception class  to Year 6 will receive English, Maths, Reading, Phonics / Spelling, RE and work from other subjects linked to their current learning.  The DfE requires us to set 4-5 hours of work each day 

Each piece of work completed is rewarded with Dojos!

School will communicate with parents via the Class Dojo app and emails with updates and messages.  Teachers can also be contacted on this app to help with queries or concerns. 

During remote learning times, we expect work to be set by the teacher by 6pm the night before so that tasks can be accessed at home in preparation for the next day. Teachers are available throughout the normal working day and will set a mixture of web-based, written or live tasks depending on the age of your child and the appropriateness to meet the learning objective. 

In Nursery, work is also set using Class Dojo and communication with parents will be through this app.