Edge Top Road, Dewsbury, WF12 0BH
01924 325300

Ofsted and SIAMS Reports

Ofsted inspection May 2024

Grade- Good

We were inspected under a section 5 Ofsted inspection on the 21st and 22nd May 2024, where the school was judged to be good in all areas. 

We were delighted that the report commented on our 'polite and helpful pupils' and the sense that we are 'one big family.' The report celebrates our pupils and their good behaviour.

Additionally, we were pleased that the report commends the high aspirations we have for all of our children; "Leaders at all levels have high ambition for all pupils. This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There is a strong sense of shared responsibility for improving outcomes for all."

To read the full report, please follow either of the links below.

Ofsted report - May 24.PDF .PDF

SIAMS inspection November 2022

Grade- Excellent

In November 2022, Overthorpe CofE Academy had the statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). The outcome of the inspection was incredibly positive and we are so proud of the children, staff, parents and the community as we have been judged as Excellent in all aspects of the inspection. 

'Senior leaders and governors, with the unwavering support of the Enhance Academy Trust (MAT), are totally committed to making the Christian vision a lived reality. The implementation of the vision is so deeply integrated into everyday language that it transforms the lives of pupils, staff and the local community. They are elevated and transformed as they ‘take wing and soar’.

SIAMS inspection Nov 2022


SIAMS_report_Overthorpe_Church_of_England_Academy_138979_091122.pdf .pdf
Edge Top Road, Dewsbury, WF12 0BH
01924 325300

Ofsted and SIAMS Reports

Ofsted inspection May 2024

Grade- Good

We were inspected under a section 5 Ofsted inspection on the 21st and 22nd May 2024, where the school was judged to be good in all areas. 

We were delighted that the report commented on our 'polite and helpful pupils' and the sense that we are 'one big family.' The report celebrates our pupils and their good behaviour.

Additionally, we were pleased that the report commends the high aspirations we have for all of our children; "Leaders at all levels have high ambition for all pupils. This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There is a strong sense of shared responsibility for improving outcomes for all."

To read the full report, please follow either of the links below.

Ofsted report - May 24.PDF .PDF

SIAMS inspection November 2022

Grade- Excellent

In November 2022, Overthorpe CofE Academy had the statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). The outcome of the inspection was incredibly positive and we are so proud of the children, staff, parents and the community as we have been judged as Excellent in all aspects of the inspection. 

'Senior leaders and governors, with the unwavering support of the Enhance Academy Trust (MAT), are totally committed to making the Christian vision a lived reality. The implementation of the vision is so deeply integrated into everyday language that it transforms the lives of pupils, staff and the local community. They are elevated and transformed as they ‘take wing and soar’.

SIAMS inspection Nov 2022


SIAMS_report_Overthorpe_Church_of_England_Academy_138979_091122.pdf .pdf
Edge Top Road, Dewsbury, WF12 0BH
01924 325300

Ofsted and SIAMS Reports

Ofsted inspection May 2024

Grade- Good

We were inspected under a section 5 Ofsted inspection on the 21st and 22nd May 2024, where the school was judged to be good in all areas. 

We were delighted that the report commented on our 'polite and helpful pupils' and the sense that we are 'one big family.' The report celebrates our pupils and their good behaviour.

Additionally, we were pleased that the report commends the high aspirations we have for all of our children; "Leaders at all levels have high ambition for all pupils. This includes disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). There is a strong sense of shared responsibility for improving outcomes for all."

To read the full report, please follow either of the links below.

Ofsted report - May 24.PDF .PDF

SIAMS inspection November 2022

Grade- Excellent

In November 2022, Overthorpe CofE Academy had the statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). The outcome of the inspection was incredibly positive and we are so proud of the children, staff, parents and the community as we have been judged as Excellent in all aspects of the inspection. 

'Senior leaders and governors, with the unwavering support of the Enhance Academy Trust (MAT), are totally committed to making the Christian vision a lived reality. The implementation of the vision is so deeply integrated into everyday language that it transforms the lives of pupils, staff and the local community. They are elevated and transformed as they ‘take wing and soar’.

SIAMS inspection Nov 2022


SIAMS_report_Overthorpe_Church_of_England_Academy_138979_091122.pdf .pdf