Edge Top Road, Dewsbury, WF12 0BH
01924 325300

Pupil Premium Information

 What is Pupil Premium funding?

  • Pupil Premium money is given to schools to help them to help children from low income families to make faster progress in lessons.
  • Funding is based on the number of children in school who have had free school meals at any point in the past 6 years; children who are in care or are adopted; and children who have family members in the armed forces.
  • 47% of our pupils currently receive pupil premium funding.
  • Our Pupil premium funding is reviewed by the end of the Autumn Term each year. 


Overthorpe C of E Academy recognises that all pupils regardless of their background should have equal access to a curriculum which will enable them to reach their potential. The Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that targets extra money to pupils from deprived backgrounds, which research shows underachieve compared to their peers. The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers

The Government have used pupils entitled to Free School meals as an indicator for deprivation, and have deployed a fixed amount of money to schools per pupil, based on the number of pupils eligible for Free School meals.  Looked after or the children of armed service personnel are also eligible for this increased funding.

The Government are not dictating how schools should spend this money, but are clear that schools will need to employ the strategies that they know will support these pupils to increase their attainment, and ‘close the gap’ between their attainment and the attainment of other pupils.


Do you receive one of the following benefits?

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit with an annual income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue that does
    not exceed £16,190.00 and NOT RECEIVING WORKING TAX CREDIT
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  •  Employment Support Allowance Income Related (ESA-IR) 

If you meet any of these criteria we do urge you to register. Please speak to a member of our Office Staff who will be happy to explain how to register.